GCSE Excellence

Congratulations to those pupils who have received their GCSE results today – another fantastic outcome for the future Class of 2025: one of our highest set of results in recent years. Pupils at Bolingbroke Academy saw their results put them in the top 5% of the country with additional highlights including: 

GCSE Results 2023

Congratulations to those pupils who have received their GCSE results today – another fantastic outcome for the future Class of 2025: one of our highest set of results in recent years. Pupils at Bolingbroke Academy saw their results put them in the top 5% of the country with additional highlights including: 

  • Progress 8 (estimated .93 – top 5% of country) 
  • Brilliant results in both English & Maths with 87% achieving a 9-4% 87%
  • 7+ grades – 37%  

Commenting on the results, Principal Claire Edis said “Well done to all of those receiving their GCSE results today – a huge testament to their effort and hard work over the last few months. At Bolingbroke we are particularly pleased that the vast majority will be staying with us for our brilliant Sixth Form. Thank you as well to all those Parents and Carers who have supported their young people over the last two years as well as the unfailingly supportive teaching staff at school.”