At Bolingbroke Academy our young people wear their formal uniform with pride.
Our values: courage, compassion, community and excellence guide our principle to ensure every child has all the uniform and equipment they require to be a member of our Academy.
All pupils must dress according to the uniform policy detailed in this document
Purchasing school uniform
Our uniform supplier is Khalsa Schoolwear. Click here to place orders online or visit their shop at 388 Bethnal Green Road, London, E2 0AH.
We provide support for all pupils in receipt of free school meals to cover 25% of the costs. Full uniform and equipment bursaries are also available.
Khalsa Schoolwear will hold a uniform sale at Bolingbroke Academy on Saturday 28th June 2025, for all new and current families. Entry will be via timeslot as follows and as there are likely to be hundreds of shoppers on the day we do ask that you please stick to these:
Surnames A-B 10:30am-11:15am
Surnames C-D 11:15am-12pm
Surnames E-G 12pm-12:30pm
Surnames H-J 12:30-1pm
Surnames K-M 1pm-1:30pm
Surnames N-R 1:30pm-2pm
Surnames S-Z 2pm-2:30pm
The price list for the uniform sale is below.
Pre-loved Uniform
A selection of good quality pre-loved school uniform including bags may be purchased through our Parents Association. We hold regular pre-loved uniform sales throughout the term and requests for uniform can also be sent at any time to
Khalsa Schoolwear Price List 2025
Lost property
We ask that all clothing is named, including shoes, so that lost items can be returned to their owner. The school cannot accept responsibility for loss or damage of pupils’ property and valuables. All mislaid items are placed in the lost property box located in the school office. Please ask the school office if you wish to look through this box. We endeavour to return all named property, but give unclaimed lost property to a local children’s charity at the end of term.
Uniform requirements
Items below marked with * are supplied by our school uniform supplier Khalsa Schoolwear.
Essential Uniform
Navy with navy lining and silver trim with school “Fortiter Ubique', translated to 'Ever Courageous' motto and logo on the pocket.
Grey academy-style trousers, loose fitting, fitted around the waist or supported by a belt.
Grey pleated-front skirt with waistband flat. For September 2022 we are reviewing the option of a longer length skirt
Plain white shirt with collar. Long or short sleeved. Our young people must ensure their shirt is always tucked in, with the top button done up to represent their best self.
Navy with two house colour stripes visible; Erskine (Red), Klein (Green), Seacole (Purple), Smyth (Yellow); Verbiest (Orange). Two stripes clearly visible to show our “Ever courageous” motto and logo. Please pay via i-pay and your child will receive in school on their first day and following any additional purchase. Our logo is so important to us to be visible as this is our motto we live by each day.
Physical Education kit
Polo shirt*
Navy blue with light blue stripes and “Ever Courageous” logo
Sports skort or shorts*
Navy blue with light blue stripes and “Ever Courageous” logo
Bags, shoes and footwear
School rucksack*
Navy rucksack with “Ever courageous” logo, 2 safety stripes and laptop section
Plain black formal closed-toe leather or leather-effect shoes, with minimal branding. Laces (if applicable) should be black. No heels, trainers or ankle boots - shoes must not go above the ankle. Please note that black trainers of any variety are unacceptable. Appropriate sports trainers must be worn in PE, these can be of any colour. Any medical professional exemptions relating to footwear should be sent to
Tights and socks
Tights and socks must be plain black, navy or grey in colour. Socks should be ankle-length. White socks are not permitted, and wearing socks over tights is also not permitted.
Desirable Uniform
Grey knitted school V neck
Tracksuit top*
Navy blue with Bolingbroke in letters along the shoulders and zip front with “Ever Courageous” logo.
Tracksuit bottoms*
Navy with light blue side stripe.
Other uniform items
Outdoor Coats
All outerwear should be removed before entering the school building.
Mobile phones and Smart Watches
Mobile phones are to be kept out of sight at all times when on Bolingbroke Academy site. If a mobile phone is seen or heard they will be confiscated, place in the Academy safe until a parent/carer is able to collect the mobile phone. If a pupil is required to contact home, they can do so from Pupil Services. Parents will receive a message on their My Child at School (MCAS) app alerting them to the confiscation.
Smart watches capable of communication through connectivity with phones are not permitted.
With the exception of a wristwatch and one small stud per earlobe (which should be no larger than 4mm in diameter and no sparkle), no other jewellery is permitted. No other piercings are permitted (e.g. nose piercings). Any jewellery worn for religious purposes must not be visible (this also encompasses the need for health and safety).
Hair & Headwear
Hair must be of natural hair colour and worn in a style appropriate to a professional environment. Unnatural colours or styles (including patterns in the hair or eyebrows) are not permitted. Hair accessories must be discreet and in plain in black or navy.
If, for religious reason, a pupil requires a head covering, such as a hijab or a turban, then this must be plain navy or black. Only jewellery stated by religion is permitted, for example a Kara bracelet.
Make up, eyelash extensions, nail polish, and false nails are not permitted. Any visible make-up or nail varnish that is worn will be required to be removed immediately.
Uniform policy update March 2024
To support all of our academy community, our governing body have approved additional wording to provide clarity for all our young people, parents, and carers on the uniform policy:
Only pins and badges which are supplied or awarded by staff, such as Greyhound badges or Duke of Edinburgh badges, are to be worn on any clothing or other items. Excellence and values badges are an important, and popular, part of Bolingbroke Academy life and designed to reward pupils’ success throughout the year. No personalised adaptions are to be made to uniform items.
Pupils with inappropriate uniform will be sanctioned in line with the Behaviour Policy. Judgement about acceptability can only be made by Bolingbroke Academy staff.
Sixth Form Dress Expectations
At Bolingbroke Sixth Form, we wear our professional dress proudly – a clear representation of our school values of excellence and community, underpinned by equality and respect.
In the Sixth Form, all students should wear:
- a suit of their choosing (ties are optional). Suit material should not feature informal Lycra, denim, corduroy, or casual stretch/sports material. This includes bodycon styles, low-cut and vest tops. Shirts must be tucked in at all times.
- a blazer jacket of their choice.
- formal shoes. Trainers, boots, flip-flops and plimsolls are not permitted.
- coats must be put in the Sixth Form cloakroom throughout the school day.
- jewellery should be discreet. Nose and septum piercings are not permitted.
- tattoos should not be on show.
- natural hair colour
If you have any questions about the dress code, please ask one of the Sixth form team.
Pupils should bring the following items with them on their first day at school and maintain throughout the academic year.
A clear pencil case with the following items:
- 2 black writing pens*
- 1 mini whiteboard* (A4 size)
- 1 mini whiteboard pens*
- 1 pencil, sharpened*
- 1 rubber
- 1 green writing pen
- 2 highlighter pens
- Ruler (15cm or 30cm)
- 1 glue stick (Pritt Stick rather than coloured glue sticks)
- 1 Maths Set (including compass & protector)
- 1 Casio FX-85 GT CW calculator
- Plain black padded Chromebook case
*Although all items on our equipment list are essential for empowering excellence, these items will be checked daily.
School items:
- Wandsworth Common Pass (provided by the school through i-pay, replacement £3)
- Chromebook (issued by the school, replacement £270)
Desirable items:
- Plain Water bottle
- Sharpener
- Mini Dictionary (English) and/or for the language they study
Sixth Form Equipment List
Each subject has its own requirements for equipment – this is shared in the class notebook.
All students must bring a laptop to school each day. This much be fully charged for lessons.
All students must have a whiteboard and whiteboard pen in their bag for all lessons.