Key information and resources for our parents
The important facts about attendance and what to do if your child cannot make it into school.
Use IPay to make payments for items such as school meals, trips and clubs.
View our upcoming lunch menu, details on breakfast club, as well as information on how to pay or access free school meals.
Click through for information on our school uniform and equipment requirements and where to buy it.
The timings of a typical school day.
How we protect the welfare of all our children and how you can raise a concern.
Important information for children with a medical condition.
How our school creates a safe, respectful environment and the role we all have to play.
Each Friday during term time, we send out 'The Bolingbroke Bolletin' (Bulletin) to all parents and carers. This contains upcoming dates for each year group, school events, news stories, and other important information.
The Bolletin was developed as a direct result of parent/carer feedback, with the aim of having all information in one place therefore limiting the need for multiple messages at other times.
All other communication is sent via the MCAS app. -
My Child at School (MCAS) is our school app containing the following:
- school reports
- attendance
- behaviour points
- messages to parents/carers
- pupil timetables
- homework
Parents/carers who are new to the school will be sent a link to set MCAS up when their child joins. For any assistance with MCAS please contact
Have your say in the running of the school.
Access a range of ‘How to’ guides covering systems you may have to use as a parent.
Access a range of ‘How to’ guides covering virtual learning apps and other digital tools that your child will be using to support their learning.
Find practical tips, resources and information about supporting your child’s mental health and wellbeing.
Understand more about the opportunities and risks of being online to help your child get the best out of technology.
Get advice on how to support your child through key moments such as exams, and transitions such as starting secondary school.
Information and guidance to help your child with their learning at home, and to get the best out of their learning at school too.